Activating the Voices of Resistance for a Deep Paradigm Shift
It’s time for action—and words.
The rise of far-right populism is a reflection of deep systemic crises in our society, unleashed by thirty-five years of neoliberal capitalism.
To build the flourishing, equitable, and sustainable world we desire, we need to change what we do—and how we think.
Embraced by politicians across the political spectrum and justified by a well-funded flow of publications from right-wing think tanks, neoliberal policies have destroyed livelihoods and the environment while concentrating the bulk of the world’s wealth in the hands of just a few individuals.
As corporate contracts replace the social contract, social polarization and the ugly forces of xenophobia, racism, and sexism have steadily gained political ground.
Luckily, communities around the world are standing up for equity and sustainability, especially in our food system. Reeling from dispossession, hunger, food insecurity and diet-related diseases, social movements today are a bold combination of innovative practices and transformative politics. While forging alternatives like agroecology, food hubs, and food commons in frontline neighborhoods and villages, they are also fighting to protect and democratize land, water, and resource rights on the political front. They are fighting exclusionary and reactionary ideologies with dignity and compassion.
Food First’s frontline publishing approach brings researchers, writers, and social movements together in a collective effort to amplify the voices of those digging in and standing up for a new food system.
Our publications activate the voices of resistance for a deep paradigm shift by recognizing that the most powerful strategy for systems transformation is to spread the experiences, leadership, and the insights of those on the front lines of social change.
As a “people’s think tank,” we do this by partnering with frontline communities in an interactive publishing process that starts with their lived experience. Working together, we co-produce manuscripts in the words of those who are actively challenging the corporate food regime, in words and in deeds. The visions, victories, losses, and lessons are communicated in an engaging narrative form that highlights the hope of our social movements. Written for a broad audience, these publications show how the rich diversity of the food justice, food sovereignty, and climate justice movements are converging around a new, transformative paradigm not just for a new food system, but for a new society.
We face troubling and challenging times. Food First’s frontline publishing helps us build alliances with the peoples, communities and movements for whom giving up hope is not an option.