Food First’s work is made possible by its vast network of members across the country and around the world. Member donations have allowed us to maintain the strong, critical and independent voice Food First is known for. There are numerous ways to support Food First—we hope you will consider joining our efforts. Thank you for supporting the critical analysis and education for action needed to grow our food movement.
Become a Member
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Help promote a healthy, equitable and sustainable food system for all with a tax-deductible donation of any amount.
Leave a Living Legacy
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Gain the satisfaction of knowing that the work of Food First will continue with a living legacy donation.
Donate Stock
Consider a tax-deductible stock donation
Avoid capital gains tax and make a larger tax-deductible gift than you might otherwise be able to afford.
Give a Gift in Honor or Remembrance
Dedicate your donation
Honor or remember someone special with a gift to Food First.