Food First produces rigorous, timely analysis on the most important food issues. How do we know which issues are most important? By listening to social movements in the US and around the world who are working and fighting every day to feed themselves, feed their communities and protect the natural resources that sustain the planet. For decades, Food First has been at the forefront of debates around foreign aid, trade liberalization and rural development models. We’ve been an outspoken critic of the Green Revolution and other “false solutions” to hunger, and supported community-based alternatives rooted in food justice and food sovereignty. Food First has long advocated for real solutions—such as land reform and agroecology—that transform the structures of power and put control over resources in the hands of local people. Our issue areas reflect both the continuity of our analysis over the last four decades as well as our ability to respond to a rapidly changing, crisis-ridden global food system and the social movements struggling to change it.