| 03.22.2016

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March 17, 2016

Eddie and Dorothy Wise continue to live at the Deluxe Inn in the Rocky Mount area.  As I write this today, they are on the property packing and removing all of their personal belongings.  The Federal Marshals are giving them only one day to remove everything.  One has to wonder how you pack up a lifetime in just a few hours.  No time to sort or anything else.

Eddie has been frustrated that he cannot get in contact with Federal Marshals to get onto the property to get his personal belongings out of the house. Also, trying to find out what happened to his dogs.

When I spoke with Eddie on Wednesday (3/16/2016), and this has been true since their removal on January 20, 2016, he was still concerned about his dogs and what has happened to them.  He feels really sure that they have been “put down” because it was over a week before the marshals office informed him that the dogs had been sent to the “pound.”  Such an incident as this is stressful enough without the additional constant worry of what has happened to your “best friends,” your dogs “who certainly provide unconditional love,” Eddie said.

We did finally get in touch with Congressman G. K. Butterfields’ office and the congressman has offered to do what he can to assist the Wises, even in trying to help them find housing once they are ready.

Many people have come to the aide with suggestions and support.  However, nothing, yet, has put any kind of stop or even slow down on this case.  The farm is set to be sold at auction on Thursday, April 7, 2016.  At this writing, I am not sure just where.  We do know that there have been several “white folk,” Eddie’s terminology, that have been after the property for a very long time and Eddie believes that they are pushing so they can get the property.

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Eddie Wise with his dogs on his farm in the Swift Creek Community during happier times.

Steps that we are continuing to look at are: 1) what are the Wises options in the court; 2) is there anything action we can do at the auction; 3) are the Wises eligible for the “Homestead Act;” 4) will they be held liable for the balance if the sale does not bring what is being termed the “bill of more than $500k”  because of calculations by the USDA and DOJ;  and finally getting the petition that is being circulated to those who might be able to assist.

On behalf of the Wises, we want to share a bit more about their situation to help answer questions folks may have. Below is a clearer statement of their need and attached is a detailed summary of background information surrounding the case. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Association (BFAA), Tillery, NC with any questions you may have at 252-826-3017 or http://ww.bfaa-us.org.

Any assistance you can provide is needed and appreciated! Consider paying for a week of their hotel room, a week’s worth of groceries, or anything you can offer. To make a contribution go to https://www.gofundme.com/39m8623g.

Will follow up with more next week as Eddie and Dorothy moved their personal property on Thursday, March 17, 2015.



Eddie and Dorothy are living out of suitcases in a nearby hotel. In the short term they need assistance with these monthly expenses.

Hotel                                          $800

Food                                          $650

Medications                              $300

Fuel                                           $200

Car Payment                            $336

Truck Payment                        $259

Storage Building Rental           $200

Total                                         $2,745 /month

Plus $400 per hour for attorney


Eddie and Dorothy want the same opportunities given to their farming neighbors over the years. They are committing to keeping this farm in agriculture for the next generation. They simply need a fair chance to succeed. At present Eddie and Dorothy want the following.

Eliminate all Farm Debt                                              $575,000


All personal property needs to be returned to the Wise family.


More information about this case