Food First Welcomes Newest Member, Development Officer Alyshia Silva

| 04.05.2016

The Food First team enthusiastically welcomes Alyshia Silva as the newest member of our dedicated staff. Acting as Development Officer, Alyshia’s educational and professional career is rooted in social justice and sustainability. Born and raised in Northeast Los Angeles, Alyshia first became interested in food systems when she saw how food injustice affected her family and community’s health. With this experience she pursued a degree in Environmental Analysis and Anthropology from Pitzer College to study how low-income communities and people of color are systematically disenfranchised through urban and environmental planning and policy.Alyshia Silva


Alyshia then furthered her career in issues of access to educate students and families of the opportunities and affordability of higher education. Recently joining us from Boston, Massachusetts, she is excited to share the heart and mission of Food First to expand membership and compel audiences to take action with us. She brings with her extensive experience in coordinating events, building long-standing relationships with diverse individuals and organizations, and creating an exciting and robust social media platform.