Chile’s Free-Market Miracle: A Second Look

John Lear and Joseph Collins | 01.01.1995

With a Foreword by Walden Bello


The enormous gap between free market rhetoric and socioeconomic realities has become a most remarkable phenomenon in recent years. One case has been hailed as a real success story amid the general ruin: Chile since Pinochet. Authors Collins and Lear present a close and judicious examination of the “Chilean miracle,” demonstrating how well the “exception” fits the rule: success for the few, disaster for the many. This valuable contribution has broad implications, extending even to our own society as it too undergoes the highly selective application of liberal doctrine in the interest of privilege and power.

Paperback, 336 pages, $16.95, ISBN 0-935028-63-3

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Praise for Chile’s Free-Market Miracle

“Collins’ and Lear’s second look at Chile is a well-documented, well written, and extraordinarily detailed analysis of one of the most important social economic experiences of recent times. For developing world I know of no more quoted model than Chile. I can think of no more thorough and insightful analysis than this.”

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–Jorge Castañeda, National Autonomous University of Mexico

“Anyone tempted to believe that wholesale adoption of “neo-liberal” policies in other parts of the world will automatically lead to solutions of a country’s social and economic ills should read this cautionary tale.”

–Solon Barraclough, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development

“Chile’s Free Market Miracle will serve as a reference on Chile and free market economics for many years. Generalists and policy analysts will welcome this contribution.”

–Joseph Scarpaci, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

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