Out of AGRA: The Green Revolution Returns to Africa
In Development (2008) 51, 464–471.
The global food crisis and philanthropy capitalism have provided foundations and multilateral institutions an opportunity to relaunch the Green Revolution in Africa. While the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) maintains the Green Revolution focus on genetic improvement, new technological variations have been added, including a focus on genetic engineering. Eric Holt-Giménez argues that AGRA reflects a structural shift from state-led development strategies to market-led approaches for the Green Revolution. Although AGRA may revive the Green Revolution, a market-led approach based on genetic engineering is unlikely to solve the problem of hunger in Africa. Informed public debate is needed to consider other proven African alternatives that may hold more promise for rebuilding African agriculture.
KEYWORDS: food crisis, African agroecological agriculture, philanthropy capitalism, food sovereignty, agribusiness
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