Responsibly caring for each other during Coronavirus

M. Jahi Chappell | 03.16.2020

I’m wishing you the best during these troubling times. Food First, like many of our peers and allies, has been evaluating our actions and policies in the face of the spread of the coronavirus/COVID-19.

We are doing our part to make sure all staff can take the best care possible. We have instituted an indefinite remote work policy, cancelled planned trips and gatherings, and are reminding staff of our paid sick and family leave policies that are at their disposal. 

Due to our remote work policy you can still contact us here:

Please stay safe, stay informed, and keep doing all the amazing things you do to care for yourself and each other. Please check with your local health authorities for appropriate information for your specific circumstances, but for larger scale information, we have found the following resources useful:

We know that all human rights and our collective well-being are tied up with each other: food, housing, healthcare, living wages, paid sick leave, and so much more are all a part of the same terrain towards justice.

In these turbulent times, we must all redouble our efforts to take care of ourselves, and each other. All too often, our political and economic systems undermine the organizing, solidarity, and resources that enable more caring to flourish.

Our small staff is thankful, as always, to all of you for being part of the Food First community.

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In solidarity,

Jahi Chappell
Executive Director