Freedom to Trade? Trading Away American Family Farms
Backgrounders & Issue Brief | Anuradha Mittal | Oct 1, 2001
At the last WTO ministerial held in Seattle in 1999, negotiators were confronted by 70,000 protestors...
At the last WTO ministerial held in Seattle in 1999, negotiators were confronted by 70,000 protestors...
What both North and South civil society should be doing at this point is radically cut down the power of the WTO and reduce it to simply another institution in a pluralistic world trading system.
The China campaign has brought many progressive American groups into an unholy alliance with the Right...
Dark Victory reveals the sweeping strategy of global economic rollback unleashed by the US to shore up the North's domination.
Since 1973 the income gap between rich and poor nations has grown from 44 to 1 to 72 to 1. The gap between rich and poor in most countries has grown rapidly, followed closely by deepening social problems.
The ongoing process of trade liberalization has already had dramatically negative effects on small farmers everywhere.
Despite widespread reports to the contrary, Indonesia is not suffering a famine.
Why so much hunger? What can we do about it? To answer these questions we must unlearn much of what we have been taught.
This dispute, which could paralyze most of Dole's Philippine banana operations, highlights the possible consequences of economic liberalization in the wake of the economic meltdown in southeast Asia.
After seeing Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan, I told myself that surely I could manage something better on the Asian financial crisis.
The world produces enough grain to feed everyone on the planet.
The agreements President Aristide signed continue a long US tradition of undermining Haiti's food self-sufficiency and Haitians' household food security.