Breakfast of Biodiversity: The Political Ecology of Rainforest Destruction, Second Edition

Ivette Perfecto and John Vandermeer | 09.01.2005

With a Foreword by Vandana Shiva


The continuing devastation of the world’s tropical rain forest affects us all—spurring climate change, decimating biodiversity, and wrecking our environment’s resiliency. Millions of worried people around the world want to do whatever it takes to save the forest that is left. But halting rain forest destruction means understanding what is driving it.

In Breakfast of Biodiversity, John Vandermeer and Ivette Perfecto insightfully describe the ways in which such disparate factors as the international banking system, modern agricultural techniques, rain forest ecology, and the struggles of the poor interact to bring down the forest. They weave an alternative vision in which democracy, sustainable agriculture, and land security for the poor are at the center of the movement to save the tropical environment.

Halting rain forest destruction means understanding what is driving it.

This new, fully updated edition of Breakfast of Biodiversity discusses important new developments in our understanding of rain forest biology and assesses the impacts of a decade of “free” trade on the rain forest and on those who live in and around it.

Paperback: 256 pages, ISBN 0-935028-96-X

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Praise for Breakfast of Biodiversity

“One of the best short books on the rain forest crisis.” —Larry Lohmann, co-editor, The Struggle for Land and the Fate of the Forests

“A detailed and sophisticated study.” —Susan E. Place, Latin America Research Review

Download the Table of Contents.

Download the Foreword by Vandana Shiva.

Download the Preface.

Download Chapter One, “Slicing Up the Rainforest on Your Breakfast Cereal”

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